Fight 'n' Flight™


Kickstarter Trailer


Fact Sheet

Kickstarter failed. Game will be reworked at a later date TBA.

Fight 'n' Flight is a uniquely stylized sports game by PixylWorld.

Release Date:
Currently in production. Estimated release date 3rd quarter of 2018.

PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS

Price: TBD

Digital Download, Google Play, App Store

E for Everyone

Twitter, YouTube, Facebook


Early WIP Screenshots

Fight 'n' Flight Screenshot 1

Fight 'n' Flight Screenshot 4

Fight 'n' Flight Screenshot 2

Fight 'n' Flight Screenshot 3

Fight 'n' Flight Screenshot 5

Fight 'n' Flight Screenshot 6



Fight 'n' Flight is a video game that follows the mantra, "Easy to play, fun to master." The controls are intuitive and the objective is timelessly simple - score as many points as possible in 90 seconds to defeat the opposing team. You must also collect coins during the game which will be used to purchase playable items such as Skyballs and Powerups, or to buy new playable Locations.

Controls are Classic:
•  Up to Flap
•  Left & Right Arrows to Move
•  Down to Stomp

In One Player Mode, you control both team members at the same time - Yes, actually at the same time. To "Switch" players just look at the player you want to control. That's it. No extra button to press. This game is totally zen, you can do it!

Local Two Player Mode - Select your team. Select your location. Two players. Four characters. Awesome.

Local Four Player Mode - Four players battle it out in this pixely E-Sports extravaganza!


The Fight 'n' Flight Teams

Fight 'n' Flight Poster

 More teams to be introduced soon...


The Story So Far...

In the year 20XX, Fight 'n' Flight™ is the most popular sport around the world.

Two teams lift off into the sky and take their positions. Some teams use technologies such as jetpacks or the latest hoverboards for flight. Other teams take to the sky using methods of magic or even martial arts. The objective is as simple as it is ageless: Score more goals than your opponent before time runs out. 


The Teams

These guys are the current North Continental fan favorites.  They are the high flying Antonio "Justice" Castilla and the hard hitting Michigan Douglas. Everyone knows them as the all around "good guys" of Fight 'n' Flight and they are always ranked as top tier players!
Method of Flight: Hover Boards
Team Color: Royal Blue


This young team is very cocky, and they love to talk trash. Bucky Andrews and RJ Talent are also fun-loving pranksters with awesome skill - so you kinda either love 'em or hate 'em!
Method of Flight: Jetpacks (duh!)
Team Color: Green


Hunter Davenport & Steve Van Randall are arguably the most talented two individuals in Fight 'n' Flight and they know it. This talent, however, causes them to rely on their own abilities rather than teamwork - an issue that they are constantly working on to improve.
Method of Flight: Hover Boards
Team Color: Fire Red


Their team name is a play on words that come from their own names: Jett Michaels & Jake Settini. The team name is also fitting as they are both high flying multi-billionaires! No one dares to take them lightly because they are as ruthless in Fight 'n' Flight as they are in business. These guys are bad news in or out of the game, so watch out!
Method of Flight: Jetpacks
Team Color: Orange


More Teams to be introduced soon including wizards, witches, ninjas, space travelers and more!

Stay tuned.


Art Style

Fight 'n' Flight is lovingly crafted in a unique low resolution mode (HDx.1) for several reasons, not least of which is this:

"Low resolution art does an amazing job at conveying the mood of a scene while activating the imagination of the viewer in a way that no other medium can." - Randall A.

In the scene below a single pixel can represent the glowing light of a high rise window while the employees inside work diligently through the night. Another pair of pixels represents a plane, filled with passengers, flying by in the night sky. While yet another pixel represents the eye of Bucky Andrews as it focuses intensely on the ball that he is about to slam in for a goal.



Jetpack Thunder! vs Sky Surfers


More updates soon as the game progresses!